申请流程 Application Process Flow
发明专利申请流程 Invention
Egyptian Patent Office
English: Egyptian Patent Office, Abbreviation: EGPO
Website: Egypt Patent Office (egypo.gov.eg)
Egyptian Invention Patent Search: Egypt Patent Office (egypo.gov.eg)
Filing Language: Arabic | |
via Paris Convention | via Nationalization of PCT |
Necessary documents:
| Necessary documents:
Attachments (if any):
| Attachments (if any):
20 years
- via Paris Convention : 12 months from earliest priority date.
- via Nationalization of PCT : 30 months from the earliest priority date.
The EGPO conducts formal and substantive examinations for invention patent applications.
The invention does not lose novelty if the information related to the invention is disclosed at a national or international exhibition held in Egypt within 6 months before the filing date.
3 years
- Grant Fee: None.
- Annuity: The payment starts from the 2nd year from the filing date. The annuity should be paid before the filing date of each year. Overdue annuity can be paid within a one-year grace period, and 7% of the annuity of the current year is required to be paid as a penalty.
Yes. Patent Office accepts "due care." requests for restoration of the right of priority.
Yes. If the EGPO finds that the invention patent application lacks inventive step, it will ask the applicant whether he is willing to convert the Invention into a Utility Model.
实用新型申请流程 Utility Model
Egyptian Patent Office
English: Egyptian Patent Office, Abbreviation: EGPO
Website: Egypt Patent Office (egypo.gov.eg)
Egyptian Utility Model Patent Search: Egypt Patent Office (egypo.gov.eg)
Filing Language: Arabic | |
via Paris Convention | via Nationalization of PCT |
Necessary documents:
| Necessary documents:
Attachments (if any)
| Attachments (if any)
7 years
- via Paris Convention : 12 months from earliest priority date.
- via Nationalization of PCT : 30 months from the earliest priority date.
EGPO conducts only novelty and industrial applicability for utility model application.
The invention does not lose its novelty if the information related to the invention is disclosed at a national or international exhibition held in Egypt within 6 months before the filing date.
- Grant Fee: None.
- Annuity: The payment starts from the 2nd year from the filing date. The annuity should be paid before the application date of each year. Overdue annuity can be paid within a one-year grace period, and 7% of the annuity of the current year is required to be paid as a penalty.
1-2 years
Yes. Patent Office accepts "due care." requests for restoration of the right of priority.
Yes. If the EGPO invention utility model has an inventive step, the patent type can be converted from a Utility Model to an Invention.
外观设计申请流程 Design
Egyptian Trademarks and Industrial Designs Office
English: Trademarks and Industrial Designs Office, abbreviation: ITDA
Website: جهاز تنمية التجارة الداخلية (itda.gov.eg)
Egyptian Design Search: www.itda.gov.eg/login/login.aspx
Filing Language: Arabic |
Necessary documents:
Attachments (if any):
The initial protection is 10 years, renewable for 5 years, up to 15 years of protection.
- via Paris Convention : 6 months from earliest priority date.
- via Hague System: 6 months from earliest priority date.
ITDA conducts formality examination and substantive examination of design patent applications, and the applicant should reply to the decision made by ITDA within 60 days.
6 months prior to the priority date. If the design is filed for the first time in the territory of a WTO member state or another party with which Egypt has a reciprocal agreement, or if the design is first published at an Egyptian or international exhibition, or at a conference or academic journal, The appearance design does not lose its novelty.
- Grant Fee: None.
- Annuity: Annuity should be paid year by year from the 2nd year from the filing date. The renewal fee can be paid within the last year of the 10-year protection period and can be renewed for 5 years. If overdue, the payment can be postponed within a grace period of 6 months, and 7% of the annuity of the current year is required to be paid as a penalty.
18-24 months
Yes. It is allowed to include multiple designs in one design application. An application may contain up to 50 designs, which together constitute a unit of the same type.
套餐价格(官费和服务费) / Package fee
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