Italian Patent and Trademark Office
English: Italian Patent and Trade Mark Office, abbreviation: UIBM
Italian Patent and Trademark Office
English: Italian Patent and Trade Mark Office, abbreviation: UIBM
12 months before the filing date/priority date.
A novelty grace period of 6 months prior to the filing date/priority date may be enjoyed in the following cases.
- Publication at official or officially recognized international exhibitions
- Malicious disclosure by a third party
UIBM conducts substantive examination for the first application, and does not conduct substantive examination for applications with priority that are not submitted for the first time. The applicant can request to disclose in advance, so that the official can enter the actual examination process in advance. The applicant shall pay the official fee for the application fee at the same time on the day of filing, and obtain the official fee receipt accordingly, otherwise the filing date will be the date of payment of the fee; the European Patent Office conducts a prior art search and issues a search report and written opinion. If the written opinion contains an opposition, the response shall be submitted to the Italian Patent Office for examination.
6-8 months
Reinstatement of priority is accepted on the grounds of "all due care".
25 years
UIBM only conducts formality examination of design patent applications, and does not examine novelty and uniqueness.