Grant fee: After deciding to grant the patent, the Hungarian Patent Office sends the text of the description, Claim and drawings to the applicant, and the applicant has three months to confirm the text or propose amendments. The granted fee should be paid within 3 months of receiving the granted decision.
Annual Fees: The first annual maintenance fee is due on the date of submission; all subsequent annual fees are due in advance by the due date. The due date for annuity payments is the anniversary of the filing date. Annuitys due before the publication of the application shall be paid within a grace period of 6 months from the date of publication. Annuitys due prior to the grant of a patent granted on the basis of an application deemed to be confidential data may also be paid within a grace period of six months from the effective date of the decision to grant the patent, while all other annual fees may also be paid within Payment within a grace period of six months from the due date. There are no surcharges for annuities paid during the first three months of the grace period. From the fourth month onwards, the surcharge is 50%.
Yes (reason: due care), a request for restoration of rights can be filed within 2 months from the date of removal of the obstacle
Design applications in Hungary are examined automatically by the Office. The review process includes formal review and substantive review. The patent office will also conduct a novelty search and send the results to the applicant.
Filing Language: Hungarian
via Paris Convention via Nationalization of PCT Necessary documents:
- Abstract
- Abstract Drawing
- Claim
- Specification
- Drawing
Necessary documents:
- Abstract
- Abstract Drawing
- Claim
- Specification
- Drawing
Attachments (if any)
- Sequence Listing (PDF format and TXT format)
- Microorganism preservation certificate and its English translation
- Microorganism Survival Certificate and Its English Translation
- Scanned Copy of Certified Priority Document / DAS
- Power of Attorney
- small entity declaration
- inventor statement
- Declaration of Ownership/Certification of Employment/Assignment of priority
- Assignment for Patent Right Transfer
- Notification issued by CNIPA notify the applicant the application has passed through the security review
- IDS Form/IDS Document/prior art
Attachments (if any)
- WIPO Publication
- Enter the US national phase 19/28/34/41 Amendments
- Sequence Listing (PDF format and TXT format)
- Microorganism preservation certificate and its English translation
- Microorganism Survival Certificate and Its English Translation
- Power of Attorney
- small entity declaration
- inventor statement
- Declaration of Ownership/Certification of Employment/Assignment of priority
- Assignment for Patent Right Transfer
- IDS Form/IDS Document/prior art
Hungarian Intellectual Property Office
English: Hungarian Intellectual Property Office, abbreviation: HIPO
Hungarian Patent Search:
Filing Language: Hungarian
via Paris Convention via Nationalization of PCT Necessary documents:
- Abstract
- Abstract Drawing
- Claim
- Specification
- Drawing
Necessary documents:
- Abstract
- Abstract Drawing
- Claim
- Specification
- Drawing
Attachments (if any)
- Sequence Listing (PDF format and TXT format)
- Microorganism preservation certificate and its English translation
- Microorganism Survival Certificate and Its English Translation
- Scanned Copy of Certified Priority Document / DAS
- Power of Attorney
- small entity declaration
- inventor statement
- Declaration of Ownership/Certification of Employment/Assignment of priority
- Assignment for Patent Right Transfer
- Notification issued by CNIPA notify the applicant the application has passed through the security review
- IDS Form/IDS Document/prior art
Attachments (if any)
- WIPO Publication
- Enter the US national phase 19/28/34/41 Amendments
- Sequence Listing (PDF format and TXT format)
- Microorganism preservation certificate and its English translation
- Microorganism Survival Certificate and Its English Translation
- Power of Attorney
- small entity declaration
- inventor statement
- Declaration of Ownership/Certification of Employment/Assignment of priority
- Assignment for Patent Right Transfer
- IDS Form/IDS Document/prior art
3 years
8 months