According to the relevant provisions of the Singapore Patent Law, a patent applicant can expedite the application in Singapore within 12 months after submitting the application according to the "12-month Accelerated Application Grant Scheme" ("12MG"), provided that all the following requirements are met. Licensing.
1. Required materials:
- Form 1: Request Letter
- Form 11: Request for search and substantive examination
- The reasons for expediting the examination and the technical fields involved in the patent application.
- Form 1 and Form 11 must submit IPOS via IP2SG on the same day.
2. Patent application needs to meet the following conditions:
- Patent applications must be free of formal defects.
- The first review opinion must be positive.
- The authorization fee must be paid within 2 months from receipt of the authorization payment notice (Form 14).
- The request for early publication (Form 9) must be submitted on the same day as the authorization payment notice (Form 14).
- The patent applicant responds to the examination opinion without requesting an extension.
套餐价格(官费和服务费) / Package fee
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