WIPO has recently launched the Goods and Services Assistant, a tool that can help trademark applicants and agents select appropriate names of goods and services and their related Nice classifications in different languages during the trademark registration application process. .
As we all know, product and service names play an important role in the scope of trademark registration applications and trademark protection. If the scope of product or service names is too broad, it may affect the trademark registration application and cause confusion due to conflicts with previously similar registered trademarks. resulting in rejection. Therefore, if the name of goods and services is improperly selected, if the name is not accepted by the trademark authority or is classified incorrectly, it will cause delays in trademark registration applications or incur additional costs.
WIPO's Goods and Services Helper is based on the largest number of trademark statistics in WIPO's global brand database. The trademark origin countries covered include Australia, Canada, EUIPO, France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, and Malaysia. , Madrid System, New Zealand, South Korea, Singapore, Spain, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and the United States.
The product and service classification helper launched by WIPO this time provides three types of search interfaces:
- Exact Search:
The entered precise keywords will be presented as trademark statistics for one of its product and service names. - String search (Sting Search):
The search result list will include recommended products and services for the search string. If you enter "sushi", the retrieved words will include "sushi rolling mats". If you enter "solut", the retrieved results will include "dispute resolution services" etc. - Semantic search:
After entering the keyword, the system will list recommended category names with similar semantics and sort them in descending order of similarity. For example, if you enter "suhi", similar trademarks including mustard, seafood, etc. will appear.
Using string search and semantic search, you can find trademark names that are as similar as possible, and precise searches can help evaluate the acceptability of the trademarks provided by the system.
When searching for strings, you can use simple search syntax to replace substrings (such as using Boolean OR for Boolean search), combine substrings (Boolean AND for Boolean search), and specify the beginning or end of a word.
Click "Search in Global Database" to list trademark details that have been used for the selected goods and services in the past.
At the same time, WIPO also provides a translation function to find more recommended translated names.
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