
Patent Trademark

The Benelux Union (formerly known as the Benelux Economic Union, more often referred to as the Netherlands-BeiLux in Chinese) is an alliance of three neighboring constitutional monarchies in Western Europe: the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg. It is a Low Countries. The original name Benelux is a portmanteau word consisting of the first 2 to 3 lettersRead more

The Benelux Union (formerly known as the Benelux Economic Union, more often referred to as the Netherlands-BeiLux in Chinese) is an alliance of three neighboring constitutional monarchies in Western Europe: the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg. It is a Low Countries. The original name Benelux is a portmanteau word consisting of the first 2 to 3 letters of the names of the three countries. It covers an area of 74,102 square kilometers and has a population of about 28.6 million.

On February 25, 2005, Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg signed the Benelux Convention on Intellectual Property (Trademarks and Designs) (hereinafter referred to as the "Benelux Convention on Intellectual Property"), which replaced the previous Benelux Trademark Convention (1962) and Benelux Design Convention (1966). The Convention came into force on September 1, 2006.

In accordance with the Benelux Convention on Intellectual Property, the three countries established the Benelux Organization for Intellectual Property. The organization is supervised by an Executive Board composed of representatives of the three member states and has the following responsibilities: (1) implement the convention and related implementing regulations; (2) promote the protection of trademarks and designs in the three Benelux countries; (3) perform other tasks instructed by the Executive Board; (4) evaluate and amend the relevant legislation on trademarks and designs in accordance with international, regional and other developments. The organization is headquartered in The Hague.

The Benelux Office for Intellectual Property (BOIP) is an important part of the Benelux Intellectual Property Organization and is responsible for the registration of trademarks and designs in the Benelux region.

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Filing Language

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Name of Patent Office


英文: Benelux Office for Intellectual Property,简称:BOIP

网址:Designs | Benelux Office for Intellectual Property (boip.int)

比荷卢外观设计检索:Designs register | Benelux Office for Intellectual Property (boip.int)



  1. 外观设计图片(六面视图)
  2. 简要说明


  1. 优先权证明文件
  2. 权属声明/雇佣证明/优先权转让证明
  3. 申请权转让证明


  • 巴黎公约途径:最早优先权日起6个月。 
  • 欧盟途径:最早优先权日起6个月。 
  • 海牙协定途径:最早优先权日起6个月 。



  • 授权费:无。
  • 年费:每5年缴纳一次续展费,如年费逾期可最晚延期在到期日后6个月内缴纳,但需额外缴纳12.00欧元的滞纳金。



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