20 years, inventions of pharmaceuticals, agrochemicals and pesticides can enjoy a maximum patent term extension of 5 years.
The novelty grace period is 12 months before the filing date/priority date.
Filing Language: Russian
Necessary documents:
- Exterior Design Picture (Six Views)
- A Brief Description
Attachments (if any):
- Certified Priority Document
- Declaration of Ownership/Certification of Employment/Assignment of priority
- Assignment for Patent Right Transfer
- Grant fee: The applicant should pay the granted fee, registration fee and first annual fee within 4 months after receiving the granted decision.
- Annuity: pay year by year from the 3rd year from the application date, the annual fee can be paid within a grace period of 6 months if the annual fee is overdue, and the penalty is 50% of the annual fee of the year.
ROSPATENT conducts formality examination and substantive examination of utility models, and only one independent claim is allowed to be submitted, and utility model patent applications must have novelty and industrial applicability.
Multiple variant designs may be included in one application if the designs relate to the same object and differ only in minor features, or can be identified as a set of goods and have a single design concept.
yes. The applicant can request to change the patent type from utility model to invention before the patent is granted.
Reinstatement of priority on grounds of "due care" accepted.
- via Paris Convention : 12 months from earliest priority date.
- via Nationalization of PCT : 31 months from earliest priority date.
- via Paris Convention : 6 months from earliest priority date.
- Hague Agreement route: 6 months from earliest priority date.